Alwin Fill / Georg Marko / David Newby / Hermine Penz (Eds.)
Linguists (Don't) Only Talk About It
Essays in Honour of Bernhard Kettemann

2006, 238 Seiten
EUR 49,50
ISBN 978-3-86057-635-9
Reihe: Stauffenburg Festschriften


Eighteen scholars from all corners of the world - from Hong Kong to Maribor, from Birmingham to Bad Sankt Leonhard, from Georgetown to Graz - pay tribute to a linguist whose personal and scholarly qualities are extolled on the completion of his sixtieth year. The man's research interests such as corpus analysis, neologisms and the language of politics and religion are given due consideration as is his sense of humour concerning all things linguistic and life in general. Thus the volume contains, among other familiar linguistic topics, a translation of Transnubistani poetry, a modest proposal of a reversion of Wordsworth's "Daffodils", and binding thoughts on people different from themselves. Serious contributions on FUNctional linguistics, applying the Turing test to corpus analysis, and the marmalade war between Austria and the EU alternate with more light-hearted topics such as Chomsky, deixis in field work, and the consequences of globalisation on English. The title of the book is a corruption - in both senses of the word - of the motto of a semi-scholarly society of which the editors and the Festschriftee are prominent members: 'Linguists only talk about it'. The contributions prove that there is more to linguists than meets the eye.


  • Introduction, p.7

Part I

  • David Newby (assisted by Idvad Ynweb): “Kettemann est seksi.” The Linguistic and Cultural Challenges of Translating Transnubistani Poetry, p.13

  • Alwin Fill: The Poeticalization of Chomsky. Making Colorless Green Ideas Eager to Please, p.31

  • Georg Marko: CDAid. A Crash Course in Language and Ideology… and a Short Detraction from FUNctional Linguistics, p.45

  • Hermine Penz: Where is here? Misunderstanding Deixis in Field Work, p.63

Part II

  • Henry Widdowson & Barbara Seidlhofer (Vienna): Reversions. A Modest Proposal for the Adoption of a Radically Innovative Corpus-based Approach to the Teaching of Poetry in English for Students who have the Misfortune not to be Native Speakers of that Language, p.79

  • Ralph Fasold (Georgetown): People Different from Themselves: Revising the Binding Theory, p.93

  • Christian Mair (Freiburg): Outsourcing < Outside Resource Using? A German Folk Etymology for an English Neologism, p.105

  • Antoinette Renouf (Birmingham): The Turing Test Applied to Automatic Linguistic Analysis, p.117

  • Rudolf de Cillia (Vienna): „Sieg im Marmeladekrieg“ – Das Protokoll Nr. 10 zehn Jahre danach, p.123

  • Nadja Šabec (Maribor): From Crossing Borders and Transcending Disciplines to a Joint Lecture Hall and Expanding Circles of Cooperation, p.141

  • Allan James (Klagenfurt): Foreign Language Phonology and Dialect Acquisition, p.153

  • Andrew Goatly (Hong Kong): (Para)doxical Imaginaries of Globalization: The Deferral/Deference of/to Difference, p.159

Part III

  • Nancy Campbell & Jennifer Schumm: Confessions of Two Virtual Sinners (with apologies to Hogg 1824), p.173

  • Michaela Haller: The Concept of Innovation on the Web, p.187

  • Margit Reitbauer: The Kettemann Corpus: A Linguistic Analysis of an Impressive Bibliography, p.209

  • Martina König: Being Bernhard Kettemann. What it Means to Be Him, p.219

Contributors, p.231.

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