Ulrike A. Kaunzner / Amanda C. Sandell
Let's Talk Business!
Useful Expressions and Practical Advice for Communicating in English

2018, 85 Seiten, kart.
EUR 15,50
ISBN 978-3-87276-923-7
Reihe: Lehrwerke


Verbessern Sie Ihre Kompetenz in Wirtschaftsenglisch!

Let’s Talk Business was created for individuals, with intermediate to upper intermediate language skills, working or planning to work in international business.

Let’s Talk Business is a learning program to increase confidence in speaking and improve pronunciation, fluency, and spontaneity. You will find a wide variety of expressions common in international business with tips for developing business communication skills. Listening practices with American and British English accents help develop comprehension flexibility. This program is primarily intended for autonomous learning (at home, in the car; with a PC, MP3 player, portable CD player, or smart phone) but can also be used in a variety of formal learning environments from classrooms and small groups to one-on-one instruction and language labs.

Contents include units on Socializing, Telephoning, Meetings, Presentations, Negotiations, and Organizations. Each unit includes a short introductory text, vocabulary, and useful expressions for the targeted business situation. Accompanying audio materials (3 CDs sold separately!) help learners improve both their English language proficiency and business communication skills. By repeating after the model speakers, learners gain fluency and develop automatic recall of useful expressions in business situations.

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