Meta Grosman / Mira Kadric / Irena Kovacic / Mary Snell-Hornby (eds.)
Translation into Non-Mother Tongues
In Professional Practice and Training

Band 8, 2000, 229 Seiten
EUR 43,50
ISBN 978-3-86057-247-4
Reihe: Studien zur Translation


Up to now translation theory has barely concerned itself with the phenomenon of translation into the non-mother tongue, which is usually relegated to the status of a language class within the training context. This "taboo subject" was the theme of an international conference held at the University of Ljubljana/Slovenia in May 1997, from which a selection of 24 contributions by translation scholars and teachers from 11 countries is presented in this volume. The topics range from basic issues of translation practice in present-day Europe and the role of English as a global language (or lingua franca) to specific cultural and linguistic issues involved in specialized translation, literary translation and in teaching translation into a foreign language. Apart from English, French, German and Spanish, the languages dealt with include Slovene, Galician, Czech, Danish, Finnish, Russian and Arabic. For the discipline of Translation Studies, but also for teaching and training, this collection of essays offers some revolutionary ideas and some invaluable insights into the complexity of translation in Europe today.

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