Monika Shafi
Balancing Acts
Intercultural Encounters in Contemporary German and Austrian Literature

Band 17, 2001, XXVI, 277 Seiten (vergriffen)
EUR 40,30
ISBN 978-3-86057-217-7
Reihe: Studien zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur
Studies in Contemporary German Literature


This volume presents case studies of encounters between people of different cultures as portrayed in narratives by contemporary German-speaking authors. It draws on the work of Günter Grass, Christa Wolf, Ingeborg Drewitz, Hubert Fichte, Jeannette Lander, Uwe Timm, Barbara Frischmuth, and Anna Mitgutsch and investigates how these writers have imagined foreigners, represented the interaction between self and other, and whether new ways of understanding and communication emerge from their texts.

Rezensionen/ Book reviews:
"Balancing Acts is an excellent book, a text that is simultaneously high­ly complex, theoretically sophisticated, and yet reader-friendly and very clear."
Carl Niekerk,
in: Gegenwartsliteratur. Ein germanistisches Jahrbuch/A German Studies Yearbook 3/2004

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